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Read ebook David Kindred - Pirate Radio : An Illustrated History in FB2, DJV


In an age when the airwaves were tightly controlled by the authorities, pirate radio was the illicit and illustrious haven for music-lovers across the nation.From the first broadcast in 1964, the cowboys of the radio world fed their listeners' desire for pop and rock music and, by doing so, changed British radio forever.Through more than 100 crisp, black-and-white photographs, Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History brings to life the 'golden years' of pirate radio.Featuring pictures of the crew - including famous DJ Tony Blackburn and founder Ronan O'Rahilly - the boats and the fans, this book takes the reader on a journey from the formative years of Radio Caroline, through its political persecution and beyond.Written by former Radio Caroline DJ and current BBC Radio host Keith Skues and with photographs by David Kindred, Pirate Radio: An Illustrated History is a unique and beautifully appointed account of the age when the pirates ruled the airwaves.

Download Pirate Radio : An Illustrated History by David Kindred in DJV, TXT, EPUB

This is timely in view of the increasing proliferation of wireless systems.For most of its run, it starred Stephen Murray, Jon Pertwee, Leslie Phillips and Ronnie Barker.A sampler of crowd-pleasers from "A Prairie Home Companion" four "News from Lake Wobegon" monologues, "commercials" for Bertha's Kitty Boutique and the Fearmonger's Shoppe, and great music.Pacifica's fifty years of struggle to define itself as against social and political conformity began with a group of young men and women who hoped to change the world with a credo of nonviolence.It focuses on the key issue of radio spectrum and its management and discusses important environmental and safety issues, addressing radio interference and the environmental impact of mobile base stations, as well as the alleged health hazards associated with the use of mobile phones.Dem Buch ist ein CD-Anhang beigefuegt, der eine grosse Anzahl von bisher nicht dokumentierten Belegen enthaelt.