- The Poetic Edda (2014, Paperback) read book PDF, TXT, EPUB


"This is a wonderful new edition of the Poetic Edda . It captures the language, vitality, and rhythms of the original."--Jesse Byock, PhD, UCLA Gods, giants, the undead, dwarves, unrequited love, Valkyries, heroes, kidnapping, dragons, and a giant wolf are just some of the stars in these Norse tales. Committed to vellum in Iceland around 1270, The Poetic Edda has compelled the likes of Wagner, Tolkien, Borges, and Auden. Jeramy Dodds transmits the Old Icelandic text into English without chipping the patina of the original. Jeramy Dodds 's Crabwise to the Hounds , was shortlisted for the Griffin Poetry Prize and won the Trillium Book Award for poetry., Committed to vellum anonymously around 1270, "The Poetic Edda" is a cache of Viking Age poems that have compelled Wagner, Tolkien, Borges, and Auden, among others. In this rousing line-by-line translation, award-winning poet Jeramy Dodds transmits the Old Icelandic text into English, placing it in the hands of poetry fans and scholars alike, without chipping the patina of the original., Gods, giants, violence, the undead, theft, trolls, dwarves, aphorisms, unrequited love, Valkyries, heroes, kidnapping, dragons, the creation of the cosmos and a giant wolf are just some of the elements dwelling within these Norse poetic tales. Committed to velum anonymously in Iceland around 1270, they were flash frozen from much-older oral versions that had been circulating throughout Northern Europe for centuries. The Poetic Edda is an epoch-making cache of mythological and heroic tales that have compelled Wagner, Tolkien, Borges and Auden, among many others. It is one of the few extent sources that provide a periscope into the Viking Age consciousness.In this rousing line-by-line translation, award-winning poet Jeramy Dodds transmits the Old Icelandic text into English, placing it in the hands of poetry fans and academics alike, without chipping the patina of the original., Valkyries, cannibalism, elves, a giant wolf, the gods, cross-dressing, the undead, tragic love, talking birds, how to behave at dinner parties, and the creation of the cosmos are just some of tile elements of these poetic tales. Anonymously committed to vellum in Iceland around 1270, the Poetic Edda contains aspects of much older oral lore that had been circulating throughout Northern Europe for centuries and that has enticed Wagner, Tolkien and Barges, among others. This rousing new translation, by celebrated poet Jeramy Dodds, brings a contemporary liveliness to these myths and legends without chipping the patina of the original. Book jacket.

- The Poetic Edda (2014, Paperback) read book PDF

Amelia adopts the pups and takes them back with her to Minneapolis, where they introduce chaos into her already crazy life.He forthrightly criticizes what he views as humanity s prejudice against an animal that continues to serve as the very emblem of the wilderness we claim to love, but that too often falls prey to our greed and ignorance.Now, SEACOR s crew of cutthroat young pirates Team SEACOR is ruled by fear, energized by greed, and galvanized into common purpose by their insatiable lust for power, money, and sex, and a compulsion to succeed at any price.The Cook County state's attorney, a man whose lust for power equaled Leo's own lust for money, began an international manhunt that lasted almost a year.Lost for many years, the restored film was screened in 2009 at New York's Film Forum and at Cannes, winning rave reviews in the New Yorker and elsewhere.Wolf populations in the Rocky Mountains have reached recovery goals due in large part to an environmentally friendly method of predator control now in use on western ranches: livestock protection dogs (also called livestock guardian dogs).The potential applications range from wireless sensor networks, ad-hoc networks, and surveillance networks, to robust low-complexity video coding, stereo/Multiview video coding, HDTV, hyper-spectral and multispectral imaging, and biometrics.He is greatly indebted to the organizations and to their representatives that were engaged in the projects, and to the European Commission, represented by Mr Christophe Davies, that supported the work ?nancially and otherwise.The question is, can he actually deliver on that promise?Identities of others have been changed to protect the guilty.Rest assured, you re in for a white-knuckle ride on the open seas whereadventure, enterprise, and entire fortunes go up in smoke.