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Using Formative Assessment to Drive Mathematics Instruction in Grades PreK-2 by Christine Oberdorf read online book TXT


Provide targeted mathematics instruction for every child. These books combine formative assessment with practical activities to differentiate the elementary classroom. The formative assessments include student work samples at varying levels. The authors...Illustrate the distinction between a "traditional" assessment and an "enhanced" assessment. Describe specific differentiated activities so each student may consistently receive instruction geared to specific need. Provide teachers with "Questions to Assess" to determine what each child understands about the math concept. Show how to move students to higher-level mathematics thinking and to apply math concepts. Include extension activities to offer challenging work for children who have achieved skill mastery level. Each activity states a goal, the materials needed, a description of the activity, as well as specific questions to ask students. The assessments and activities are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the expectations described by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.This resource will help teachers, principals, and curriculum directors identify students' levels of understanding about mathematics and provide concrete resources for remediation, instruction, and enrichment. These books are also an excellent resource for use during workshops and in-class observations.Provide targeted mathematics instruction for every child. These books combine formative assessment with practical activities to differentiate the elementary classroom.The formative assessments include student work samples at varying levels. The authors... Illustrate the distinction between a "traditional" assessment and an "enhanced" assessment. Describe specific differentiated activities so each student may consistently receive instruction geared to specific need. Provide teachers with "Questions to Assess" to determine what each child understands about the math concept. Show how to move students to higher-level mathematics thinking and to apply math concepts. Include extension activities to offer challenging work for children who have achieved skill mastery level. Each activity states a goal, the materials needed, a description of the activity, as well as specific questions to ask students. The assessments and activities are aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and the expectations described by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.This resource will help teachers, principals, and curriculum directors identify students' levels of understanding about mathematics and provide concrete resources for remediation, instruction, and enrichment. These books are also an excellent resource for use during workshops and in-class observations.

Read book Using Formative Assessment to Drive Mathematics Instruction in Grades PreK-2 in TXT, MOBI, FB2

They embody the instructional "shifts" and the standards for mathematical practice demanded by the CCSS.Accompanies: 9780132082020.It outlines the factors that contribute to the visibility of powered-two-wheelers (PTWs) and their detection by car drivers, and presents case studies to illustrate how the various methods can be used to explore the contribution of these factors.The senior among them speak out candidly, interweaving their mathematics with autobiographical detail.Armed with the tools of mathematics, we can see the hidden structures beneath the messy and chaotic surface of our daily lives.Through instruction, insight, advice, and case studies, Beginning Big Data with Power BI and Excel 2013 will show you how to: Import and mash up data from web pages, SQL and NoSQL databases, the Azure Marketplace and other sources.It features a rich programming environment, two-and three-dimensional graphics capabilities and hundreds of sophisticated, powerful programming and mathematical functions using state-of-the-art algorithms.Written specifically for educators, school psychologists, and clinical psychology professionals, this guide provides a wide variety of educational resources, along with summaries of proven methods and techniques for implementing examiner recommendations.Understand basic statistics and use Excel with PowerBI to do sophisticated statistical analysis--including identifying trends and correlations.Year after year, publishers, conferences, and blogs continue to churn out apologetic justifications for the value of literature and the humanities.Subjects such as voltage control, AC and DC microgrids, power electronics are explored in detail for all sources in general, while not neglecting the specific challenges posed by the most used variable renewable energy sources.The stories of the three women above and those of many more appear here, each one enlightening and inspiring.This theory, risk-weighted expected utility theory, better captures the preferences of actual decision-makers.